Prints of my paintings that feature solo figures.
Father Figure - The Coach
Father Figure - The Coach
Original is Available
15 x 18½ pastel on pastel paper
completed Jan. 10, 2017
released Jan. 11, 2017
Giclée Prints
100 limited edition Studio prints
open edition Portfolio prints
additional information about my giclée prints
“The Coach imparts his knowledge and skills as well as teaches us discipline and how to be a team player. He may also be one of the first ‘older’ men we see in a state of undress sporting a well muscled physique.”
My 'Father Figure' series isn't just about 'the daddy look' it also depicts those male archetypes in our lives that carry an air of authority, the men we may admire as role models, as well as define our perception of masculinity.
The Father Figure series (so far) also includes: The Boss, The Mechanic (coming soon)