Below are my originals that you can purchase directly here on the website. Additional originals are available at Gallery XO (online) or visit their gallery in Wilton Manors FL.
If you are looking for the original of a print you saw here or elsewhere and is not listed below or at Gallery XO, it is likely sold, but feel free to ask.
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Saturday, In the Park (original)
Saturday, In the Park (original)
24¼" x 18¼" (62 cm x 46cm) pastel on pastel paper
Prints of this work are available.
“It’s a beautiful day in the city and who wants to stay all cooped up inside. Plus, the pooch really needs to get out. Grab the leash and go, If you’re lucky you might find something else fresh besides the air.”
Just reflecting on one of those simple things taken for granted, getting out and meetings someone, that now seems much more precious.