Below are my originals that you can purchase directly here on the website. Additional originals are available at Gallery XO (online) or visit their gallery in Wilton Manors FL.
If you are looking for the original of a print you saw here or elsewhere and is not listed below or at Gallery XO, it is likely sold, but feel free to ask.
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Out In the Open (original)
Out In the Open (original)
24" x 18½" (61 cm x 47 cm) pastel on pastel paper.
Prints of this work are also available.
“He feels a bit exposed out among the elements, but those elements are his connection to nature, something we are all a part of. Why should he care so much if others might see? That’s no way to live! Letting go of those trivial concerns he is overcome with a tremendous sense of freedom. And he realizes, things are so much better out in the open.”
The original depicts a nude male couple taking a shower outdoors. However, as I was working on it, I kept debating whether the front figure should be nude or not. I first finished it with him wearing a swimsuit, and had it scanned, then I erased the swimsuit and made him nude. I then scanned it again. Thus, I was able to release prints of the final nude version plus a variant print with him in the swimsuit.